nobox development




There are three, key steps in a Development Thought Process: listen and observe FIRST, then visualize and scrutinize the information, and finally generate and implement the Project. NoBox Development is designed to help you implement your PLAN. This involves three distinct service offerings:

  1. P = Propose

  2. LA = Layout and Analyze

  3. N = Navigate. 



Propose Services are targeted at Property and Building Owners who may be stuck in “Analysis Paralysis”, or in a place where they’re just not comfortable with their next step. NoBox desires to help Owners discover directional clarity. This is done through services such as:

  • In-Person Development Meetings and Questionnaires

  • Site Walks and Contextual Analysis

  • Test Fits and Development Site Analysis

  • Jurisdiction or Planning and Zoning Coordination

Layout and Analyze

Once an idea has buy-in, it has to be vetted and the Project Parameters must be identified. Layout and Analyze Services is where the Project’s Scope, Budget, and Schedule gain focus and momentum. This is accomplished through services such as:

  • Site and Building Programming

  • Program Zoning and Adjacency Diagramming

  • Conceptual Budget Parameters

  • Conceptual Project Scheduling

  • Conceptual Cash Flow Projections

  • Conceptual Site Planning


Navigate Services come into play when the Owner decides to move forward with the Project. There are multiple levels of Navigate Services, which can be broken out as individual Scopes of Work, or taken as a complete Suite of Services. They include:

  • Lead or support the Owner in the solicitation and selection of the Design Team including the Architect, MEP Engineering, Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Land Surveys, AVL Consulting, and others.

  • Design Management of the selected Design Team throughout the course of the Design Phases, Entitlement and Permitting, and Construction Administration. 

  • Entitlement and Permit Management beyond managing the Design Team to coordinating with City Officials, Planning and Zoning, and the Building Department.

  • Identification of the best Construction Delivery Method whether it be Bid-Build, Design-Build, or CM at Risk, followed by supporting the Owner in the solicitation and selection of the General Contractor. 

  • Hold all Teams accountable to Scope, Budget and Schedule, which will invariably involve conflict resolution and creative problem solving on the fly and in the field. 

  • Lead Project Meetings throughout the process, Concept to Conclusion, with the intent to document milestones, manage team members, create strong communication lines, build alignment and trust among all parties, and deliver a Portfolio-worthy Project all involved will be proud of.

There is no box…